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What will students study in Core PE this year?

Students have two hours of PE a week, one is a core/set activity and the other is an optional/choice activity.  They will build on and embed the physical development and skills learned throughout the past 3 years at Newstead Wood School. Students will develop their competence and confidence in a wide variety of different sports and physical activities. They will continue to learn what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work, in order to develop their performance of skills and their tactical and compositional application.  Students will be exposed to a variety of sports to try and develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life.  They will understand the long-term health benefits of physical activity and why they should regularly exercise.  They will plan and carry out their own fitness programme.

Throughout the year and through their main core activities students will be given the opportunity to do the Sports Leaders Award – Level 1, by leading and coaching their peers in lessons and by officiating and organising activities for younger students.  This will involve some written work and occasional homework. 

In core and option activities students will be taught to:

  • use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team games (netball, football, badminton, tennis, table tennis, dodge ball, crazy ball, volleyball, basketball, rounders)
  • develop their technique and improve their performance in other activities (trampolining, athletics, dance)
  • analyse their performances compared to previous ones in order to enable improvement through progressive performances
  • analyse the performance of others to help them improve
  • apply their leadership skills to coach and officiate or lead in lessons and in inter-house competitions

Students will also be offered a selection of options, to develop their fitness ( Zumba, step fitness, aerobics, multigym etc.)

What are the major assessments this year?

At the end of each unit of work students will be assessed on their physical skills and application of skills in that activity and, if appropriate, the ability to coach/officiate/lead the activity.  The work for Sports Leaders Award will be continually assessed through practical performance in leadership situations (in and out of lessons) and their folder of written evidence.  There will be a final practical assessment in the Summer term where they lead primary school students through a multi-skills session or a sporting competition.

What will the current performance grade be based on, and what do the levels mean?

The current performance grades are based on all the students’ work completed in Year 10 with the emphasis being on their application of skills in performing situations and their leadership skills.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in the subject?

In the first instance, she should speak to her subject teacher. She should try to identify specific areas of the subject which she finds challenging so that targeted support can be offered.   Early morning, lunchtime and after school clubs are also offered throughout the year for all students to attend to enhance their skills further.

How can I support my daughter?

Year 10 and 11 is a busy time for students, however you should encourage your daughter to attend at least two extra-curricular clubs a week and promote an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits.  Regular exercise is an excellent way to help relax (especially during stressful exam times) and helps to improve focus/concentration as well as helping neural pathways to function effectively!!

What kind of independent work should my daughter complete?

Students should aim to take part in at least two sports clubs a week on top of the two hours of PE offered during curriculum time.  These can be extra-curricular clubs offered at school, or clubs outside of school.  Students may wish to compete in one of the school teams and therefore are expected to regularly attend the school club.  Students may also volunteer to help at a club for younger students to help develop their leadership skills. (This can also go towards their volunteering hours for DofE).

Who can I contact for further advice and information?

Please feel free to contact the Head of PE, Miss Roots, on

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