Many congratulations to these students whose outstanding contributions to society were recognised by the Bromley Rotary Clubs’ with Youth Awards:
Zyena H (9F)
Ojal S (9P)
Gabrielle G (11F)
Maria C (12N)
The award winners were recognised by the organising committee for their service to others, and were invited to an awards ceremony where they received a certificate and a prize from the Mayor of Bromley.
The reasons for their awards included work in the wider community: volunteering at churches and charities, supporting people with Alzheimer's, caring for siblings with complex needs, helping at Guides, helping with Arabic School, local community charity work and fundraising for national charities.
The students also demonstrated active involvement in the school community: acting as Form Rep, taking part in School Parliament, leading on the Harvest box appeal, support for clubs including German Club and South Asian Society, involvement in the Asian Celebration and Pinch of Spice Events, being active in form enterprise project and other charity fundraising in school.
In addition to the four award winners, commendations went to Amelia T (10P) and Amelia C (12B).
Well done and thank you to all of them for everything they do to make the world a better place!